
Monday, January 21, 2008

2008 - Challenging year for us all

Why did I said that? There are so many thing happening to our family (or other people) before even reaching February. Let me see...
  • Qalbi turns 3 months old in 7 days,
  • I joined a new company,
  • The new company moved to a new premise,
  • Another child missing (Sharlinie) causing the biggest child search ever made in Malaysian history,
  • Proton launched the new SAGA,
  • My 1st sister in law getting married in 2 weeks time,
  • Thaipusam were declared as a public holiday for Kuala Lumpur,
  • The economist predicted 2007-2008 as an economic downturn period, and
  • The last but not least, my wife getting fired/dismissed from IMPSA without reason with just 2 weeks notice.
Even though not all mentioned above is a bad news (the new SAGA pricing rocks) but what matters to me is the BAD news. The worst case scenario is when all the bad news above combined. If that ever happened our family could barely survive through out the year.

Particularly the last news surprised me. A global respectably company, IMPSA could abruptly laid off some staffs without any strong reason, without asking a show cause letter, without warning or advice from superior, only the Malay / Muslim staff effected, without any compensation with just 2 weeks notice and expecting the poor staff to get back to other job after 2 weeks time in current economy. I'm not sure if this is a standard practice in Argentina, but the terms are definitely not favorable to any workers in Malaysia ever. be continued (follow the IMPSA tag)


Unknown said...

Ciao Azizul, my best wishes for the future.
It happen also in Italy, it happened to my brother too in the last 2007 days.
By the way, it seems that you have change job. Good luck.

Azo said...

Ciao Marco, thax for your support all this while. Yup I change job just recently. By the way, nice avartar photo you got there.